The rational style
For three decades, Zadig has served as a cornerstone in communication, journalism, editorial work, as well as in the education and dissemination of information within the medical, scientific, and environmental sectors. We function as an incubator of ideas and a nexus of professionals.
The rational style
For three decades, Zadig has served as a cornerstone in communication, journalism, editorial work, as well as in the education and dissemination of information within the medical, scientific, and environmental sectors. We function as an incubator of ideas and a nexus of professionals.
IMMEDIATE: la relazione tra microbiota e salute
SAEPE: la piattaforma per la formazione indipendente
Piattaforma SIGHTSoHO
Università di Milano: la Terza Missione
Menomale: un’ app per il dolore cronico
4E Parent: per una paternità partecipata
EU-MiCare: per la salute mentale dei migranti
Barometro FISM: ricerca sulla sclerosi multipla
La mia Voce: un’app per chi non può parlare
EpiCentro: epidemiologia per la sanità pubblica
Aging project: invecchiare bene con UPO
Voci della Scienza: fare informazione e divulgazione
IMMEDIATE: la relazione tra microbiota e salute
SAEPE: la piattaforma per la formazione indipendente
Piattaforma SIGHTSoHO
Università di Milano: la Terza Missione
Menomale: un’ app per il dolore cronico
4E Parent: per una paternità partecipata
EU-MiCare: per la salute mentale dei migranti
Barometro FISM: ricerca sulla sclerosi multipla
La mia Voce: un’app per chi non può parlare
EpiCentro: epidemiologia per la sanità pubblica
Aging project: invecchiare bene con UPO
Voci della Scienza: fare informazione e divulgazione
Zadig has always been dedicated to certain principles: respecting individuals and the law; upholding professional ethics, transparency, scientific rigor, independence; and ensuring the quality of services and products offered.
In 2021, Zadig solidified this commitment by transitioning to a Benefit Corporation: this entails incorporating into its corporate mission, alongside profit objectives, the aim of making a positive impact on society and the biosphere.
Zadig has established a code of ethics that comprehensively outlines the standards to which the entire company adheres.
Established in 1993 as a news and editorial agency, Zadig now comprises a tightly-knit team of specialists.
Our goals
Our goals include providing institutions, healthcare professionals, citizens, and researchers with services and tools to disseminate high-quality information, offer training and updates, foster scientific literacy, and promote health initiatives.
Established in 1993 as a news and editorial agency, Zadig now comprises a tightly-knit team of specialists.
Our goals
Our goals include providing institutions, healthcare professionals, citizens, and researchers with services and tools to disseminate high-quality information, offer training and updates, foster scientific literacy, and promote health initiatives.
At Zadig, we are a hub for new ideas
Developing communication and training services and tools tailored to the needs of communities, institutions and the research community, in the fields of health, science, and the environment.